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Nestled high in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Cusco is a city that exudes history, culture, and natural beauty. As the former capital of the Inca Empire and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cusco is a destination that seamlessly blends its rich indigenous heritage with colonial charm. Join us as we explore the captivating city of Cusco, often referred to as the "Navel of the World."

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San Pedro, (1 block west of Plaza San Francisco. It's on the block bounded between Calle Hospital & Calle Nueva and Tupac Amaru and Cascaparo - just east of the train station for Machu Picchu). Definitely the cheapest place to eat ! You can have a complete menu (Sopa + segundo) for 4 soles. The market has several food parts : fruit juices, Caldo de gallina (soup with chicken), Desayuno (breakfast) and traditional food.
Cusco's markets are vibrant hubs of culture and commerce, where the past and present merge, offering an authentic and enriching experience for travelers. Here are a few markets in Cusco that you won't want to miss:
San Pedro Market (Mercado San Pedro): Located near the historic center of Cusco, this bustling market is a sensory delight. You can browse through stalls brimming with fresh produce, local snacks, Andean crafts, and textiles. Don't forget to try a traditional Andean dish at one of the food stalls.
Witches' Market (Mercado de las Brujas): Known for its mystical and herbal offerings, this market is a fascinating place to explore. You'll find traditional remedies, herbs, and unique Andean handicrafts like amulets and coca leaf products.
Artisan Markets: Cusco is dotted with artisan markets, particularly in areas like the Plaza de Armas and Avenida El Sol. Here, you can shop for beautifully crafted textiles, pottery, jewelry, and other handcrafted items made by local artisans.
Pisac Market: Located in the Sacred Valley, the Pisac Market is a must-visit for those exploring the region. This vibrant market offers a wide range of Andean handicrafts, from textiles to ceramics, and is renowned for its Sunday market, a colorful spectacle.
Chinchero Market: Chinchero, another village in the Sacred Valley, hosts a lively market known for its handmade textiles. You can watch local weavers demonstrate their traditional techniques and purchase their exquisite creations.
Cusco's markets are not only places to shop but also opportunities to connect with the local culture and traditions. Exploring these markets allows you to discover the colorful tapestry of Cusco's daily life and the creativity of its artisans.

Explore the Wonders of Cusco: The Heart of Inca Civilization

Discover the rich history and vibrant culture of Cusco, the former capital of the Inca Empire. Let the ancient ruins and breathtaking landscapes of this Peruvian destination take your breath away.

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